Fuseboards/Consumer Units
Older fuseboards (now known as Consumer Units), are less effective at protecting us from electrical faults, making them potentially dangerous. Here are a few signs that you should have your fuseboard inspected or replaced:
Your fuseboard is more than 20 years old.
Your fuseboard is not fitted with an RCD (residual current device).
There are blanking plates or fuseholders missing, leaving live parts exposed.
Your fuseboard is made of wood or plastic – this a fire risk.
Your fuses or circuit breakers keep tripping.
If you notice any burned connections or corrosion within your fuseboard, you should contact an electrician to inspect it.
There are two parts involved with replacing a consumer unit, firstly there is the physical replacement of the old with the new then secondly there is the testing of all the circuits to make sure that they are in a healthy state and the requirements are met for the circuit protective devices to function correctly. It will normally take a whole day to carry out a change over and the property will be without power for the first half of the day, then it will be on and off during the testing of the individual circuits.
How much does it cost?
There are consumer units to suit different sized properties and their associated number of circuits, generally the bigger the house the more electrical circuits, the number of circuits will affect the price and size of the board needed. Also Consumer units to suit differing budgets from Dual RCD boards to full RCBO boards. Don't worry we will explain everything to you and offer a couple of options, the labour involved to fit and test the different types of board is all the same!